well, i am inspired to write today by the blog post of my really good friend and fellow blogger, the fabulous miss.fab (at least in her mind..no hatin' folks, we're all allowed to dream), who went through her not so logical thoughts and set out her pet peeves for the day. it was hilarious. the very first peeve was against people whose blog she follows and who do not even branch by hers or even drop a comment or appreciate her "followership" as it were. i would like to think i am way above that level of pettiness but the truth is that more than 50% of every writer's drive comes from the desire to show off...you know, attract attention beyond the normal everyday cursory glance from your friends like everyone else. so it hurts really bad when it appears noone gives a hoot what you think or say...well, not really bad, maybe just pinches a lil. well, unfortunately for miss.fab, she's all alone. i have more than sufficient outpouring of attention from my readers and...