apparently, nigeria has some die hard fans out my office. so this year, same as the last year, we get a 'happy independence' cake from my office. i was going to say 'with love' but i'm not sure that will be overly accurate. its funny how certain organizations show these acts of patriotism especially when noone is watching, and when they are not mandated by law. i really wanted to come on up here and make sarcastic remarks about the state of the country and what the heck we are so uppity doo about, but i really can't bring myself to do it. i dont know what it is, but something tells me that my employers are right. you cannot buy freedom, and you cannot trade it in for the best economy, or the utmost stability or peace to all mankind. the personal freedoms we enjoy as citizens of a sovereign nation, imperfectly enforced as they are, remain better than what other full blooded human beings are subjected to in north korea and most of the arab worl...