so it hit the papers today that the 27 soldiers (including 3 women) who dared to obstruct traffic in ondo state, to protest the non-payment of their entitlements after completing a horrifying war-time assignment, have been sentenced to life imprisonment by a court martial. for me, thats quite besides the point, because although soldiers are well aware of the strict nature of martial laws in this country, i don't think that makes them less human and less able to feel cheated or aggrieved. is it just me, or has anyone else stopped for a second to ask the simple question: why were they being owed in the first place?!!! i cannot imagine how we end up punishing the victim and watching the fat, lazy, corrupt boss walk freely around. how on earth can anyone hold on to the entitlements of war veterans and probably plug it into some fixed deposit account so that he can reap the interest after the 180 days period (or longer) and the country turns around to sentence these men to life imprison...