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awards my big!

i'm hard pressed not to write about the nigerin blog awards but (i) it wont be fair to all my readers and people who took the time to vote for this blog (ii) i still don't understand my mental state when i decided to participate in it and (iii) i'm as bitter as a older wives meeting a new wife for the first time.

to cut a morbid story short: i did not win a damn acknowledgement (much less an award). after all my toiling, having to degrade myself to the point of begging for votes from people who i really never wanted to know about my blog or read the contents thereof, after making people i hold in extreme high regard leave their daily activities and set out to vote for something so trivial, and aafter i waited ages for the darn result to be announced, i still didn't win a matchstick.

i know there is something called graciously accepting the results of a competition when it doesn't go your way, but please. i'll probably never have a reason to spew out the diatribes i have an excuse to spit out now. people are a joke. i personally went through every damn blog that was nominated for the awards and to be completely honest, i could only find three or four very well written, clearly talented blogs out there (including the one i lost to). the rest were built on hype or past glory (and i'm didnt call linda ikeji's blog o). i mean seriously? i'm not sure why, but it hurts like crazy to not only lose out in every category i was nominated for, but to see triffling ridiculous excuses for a blog scoop up an award. the good thing is, for an award show, the nigerian blog awards actually merits its name. like everything nigerian, it was baseless (not even a bottle of groundnut for the winners), without form (couldnt even afford plaques or a proper award show or committee), and based on the wrong parameters (popularity).

i mean, i'm all for a bit of recognition, but when you are judging blogs based on how many people know the writer (not even how many read their stupid blog) then you are clearly not rewarding talent or recognizing are merely creating an avenue for bored unilag students who have no clue how to spell the word "blog" to support their equally bored friends who have a computer and access to the internet at the expense of change agents and the truly genius who cold change the world with the right amount of publicity.

so enough said...i'm not ever going to drag my friends and esteemed collegues into anything half as silly ever again, its just not worth it. plus i've decided that my blog is very personal and doesn't exactly need a crowd to make me happy...i will just find a way to make money off it.

and before i forget, big ups to bella naija for taking the moral high road and opting out of participating to give a room for the likes of us unknowns. y'all know bella would have won every single damn category in the whole awards...and its funny that as soon as the list of nominees went up on, my readership level quadripled in 24 hours flat. now thats a super blog!!!

okay y'all, see you around soon. and i'm scouting for real blog awards that give a prize, organize proper award shows with adequate publicity and reward talent and creativity...if you find one before me, do holler.


ida.... said…
thumbs up Oroque, your blog is cool and it is a life saver. I cant count how many nights i read everything over and over again when i was down,or when am not as productive as i should be at work, i just flip to it for a good laugh and energy.
i love it and many people do .
RQ said…
Thank you so much Ida. You can't possibly imagine how much your encouragement means to me right now. I appreciate your dropping by the blog. If you're on twitter, do let me know! See ya!
Wilfred Mong said…
it's a pity i was part of those dragged into voting; my friends inclusive. like your thoughts reflect, the award was based on number of friends a 'blogger' has rather than depth of work and other elements of good writing. we learn from experiences, this is one of such experiences...
RQ said…
Wilfred i cannot appreciate your support enough during the entire "vote for me" episode. i saw a meteoric rise in my readership the evening you promised to galvanize your troops (and i'm sure we shut down their server, at least temporarily. LOL). you're right @ live to learn.

P.S: When are we reading your sports blog?!!!!
Wilfred Mong said…
i'm signing up now.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you Oroque, but you shouldn't be this angry anyways, I didn't win my category either. And to be candid, the award should have a better base not just popularity.
oroque i think you took this thing too heart too much

The awrds do not have a sponsor, its an individual like you and me that took it upon herself to put this together.

The aim was to showcase new blogs and i am sure even you benefited from the traffic via the awards website.

It isn't anything as serious as you have painted it.

Maybe over the years it can evolve to something much more substantial but at the moment isn't that serious. It is a fun process
Chinene said…
Darn! and there i was telling my peeps that u were sure to win all the categories we nominated u in. Well, u may not have won their awards but u'll always have your die-hard fans. sweet is that...

i know hw u feel, you dont need to take it so personal.
bArOquE said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
BBB said…
i am just reading this, i didnt even know this post was written
take a chill pill and sitdown
so the credibility of the NBA's is questioned because they didnt hand out a plaque
like are u kidding me??????
why dont you sponsor the awards next year
and while u are at it, volunteer your time for all the background work that goes it.
Since your aim on blogger is to make MONEY, i suggest you get Google adsense and \_______
leggy said…
ha ha ha...okay, this post was so ridiculous. are you serious?! are you that much of a sore loser?!
dude, you are not the only one that lost, suck it up!!
they did not pay the girls who organised this ish oh. they simply took it upon themselves to recognise new blogs. this post is so wrong. it is not that serious.
calm your tits down. gosh! i can't believe how many people are telling you that you're right. gosh, i tire for people like you.

this is a democratic process. the highest votes win!! gosh, i can't stand this level of thirstiness. ice for your sprite?!
tobenna said…
Doll's comments are spot on.
Your post reminds me of Kanye's comments on not winning the Grammy a couple of years back...
There is plenty of room on TOP.

Now let me trawl thru your blog...
Anonymous said…
E can pain sha. Eyyaaaahh

But why so many GBAGAUNS tho? Maybe thats why you lost. Everyone that read your blog died by missile volley? #justsaying

Your betters didnt win any awards as well so you can like to rest. Pele. It is well with you.
Nenny said…
Guy no lie, e pain. E pain. But seriously, did you lose your balls? Man up jor. Even girls don't bitch this way.
Anonymous said…
You must av been criously angry wen u were typin dis thng dt u 4gt 2 read thru nd make corrections,issoke tho.. I dnt even knw why u're angry,its a stupid blog award,no plaque(as u sed) no money,jst recognition nd u gt dt 2,so take a chill pill mehn nd stop actin lyk losin will kill u
Anonymous said…
This is the first time I have read ur blog and I'm impressed, typos aside. You shouldn't take the whole blog award thing personal. I thought it was a joke to start with (no offence to whoever it was that was behind it). The award was done the best way it could under the circumstances, It doesn't make you any less an amazing blogger/writer.

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