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some personal thoughts...

as many of you probably already know, my younger sister got married a few days ago. as a matter of fact, just last weekend. its amazing how these things happen. one minute you can bully your siblings, next minute they're all grown and married. at the wedding, you could just feel the joy, and see the excitement on the faces of the couple...and then some.

i am her elder brother by 5 years. "so what" you might ask. i'm not yet married..."ooh, that" you now say. to be honest, and i know this may sound sexist, i always thought the expectation to marry in order of seniority was a girl thing but apparently, from the looks and overly-polite smiles that greeted me everywhere i went during the wedding, its not quite so. you should have seen the looks i kept getting.

old aunties would come up to me, ask if i remembered them (i almost replied: "you're the old 'most-likely-to-be-senile' one, so i should be asking that question"), and then o so politely say "i hope i'll still be around when you finally decide, dear", with the widest sweetest smile. the absolutely mean sprites! who cares if they're around anyways, not like they'd do more than complain about the food and about the organisation and about how everything could have been done so much better. sheesh. i wish i was so less well brought up, it would have really helped right about now. as you can tell, i'm not upset anymore.

i'm not one to whine about stuff (my mum would vehemently disagree) but please can people just let go? i can't imagine that getting married would be the huge issue that it has suddenly become today. is there some hidden financial gain that i'm not aware of? because sometimes, going by the often frosty plastic relationship i see between my married friends and their spouses, i bet my last finger that some folks wish they'd waited a little longer (and used protection, i might add). thats not to defend not getting married. its just that i for one think that on a scale of priorities, there's so much more to achieve before locking yourself down to a life of no privacy, constant discussions (read = 'nagging') and the inevitable poops and changes. there's harvard, there's seeing the world, there's money...for a life lived working 7 to 9 you need the least levels of drama and deserve to expect more from life than good food and constant sex...but again, i don't expect support.

so, this is to my lovely sister, for daring to take the steps that i haven't even began to dream of (and no, dashing me that second microwave you got as a wedding gift won't make me change my mind about the sister in church you're trying to hook me up with); and to my new brother, for taking my sister off me (she could nag me to smithereens...i can tell you that now cos you're in it for good). this is to a good life (longer isn't always better), lots of nephews and nieces and above all, love for each other to the very end.

See you around peeps.

P.S: i don't want to hear any comments about this post. lol


Lady of The Wig said…
No apologies, i'm commenting.

Welcome to the world of older 'unmarried' siblings. At least your sis went ahead, for some of us, they are waiting (im)patiently for you to marry so they can.

As for relations, i learnt to smile sweetly and accuse them of not praying hard enough ( that always shuts them up.

I refuse to be rush into anything. dont want to wake up one day wondering how i ended up with this....... beside me!!!!

Nice writing Orok.

(you know who)
Roc said…
I can just picture you being approached by the listless relatives..
A sarcastic comment on the tip of your tongue..

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