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return of the whine

now, i'm sure its general knowledge that i've been on vacation for the most part of the last month and a half. it was a great time, knowing that i could wake up at noon and then slowly decide what the rest of my day should be like. having to work from 5 am to 9 pm everyday, makes it impossible for one to want any activity during his break but i did try to hit the gym during that time and kick start my belated "get fit" program. you know, for someone who has every edition of "men's health magazine" from 2008, its ludicrous to be in the shape i'm in. i'm not in entirely bad shape, ladies, just picture an avocado pear...thats a shape too isn't it?

so anyways, i'm back here...just in time to gasp unbelievably at the fact that ASUU is still on strike? we might as well ask everyone to become artisans and scrap the entire school system. its good that the someone finally has the balls to stand up to the bullying teachers who do nothing for the educational system but want more, more and more. even when schools were in session, lecturers hardly came to teach and were more interested in selling handouts, sleeping with students and collecting "pass mark" bribes (and not necessarily in that order). so to be honest, apart from the human angle of this strike, i.e. the lives of the millions of students being frittered away at home for no apparent reason, i'd say "good riddance". we all remember the last face-off between the lagos state government and the tanker drivers? sometimes, you need to sit out a bully in order to cut him down to size and make him realize that in truth, he is dispensable.

and then again, i hear all sorts of comments on facebook about how yaradua has played to saudi arabia to open a university (university?!!! the nerve!) when (a) no single university in his country is up and running and (b) other more serious heads of government are at the UN headquarters brain storming on climate change. i have nothing to say to this. i just feel that yaradua is operating on a higher mental level than the rest of us. i mean, there are more important things in life that the climate. why bother talking for hours on a natural phenomenon that we have no control over, rather than have fun with muslim leaders in the most important arab country on earth?! i'd do the exact same thing, mr. yaradua...please ignore your detractors.

i was going to keep this blog post brief today, so permit me to just mention the soludo matter. i mean, please. the man holds a "dinner" wherein tony anenih led all the other PDP top wigs to attend...he gets up to make his speech and spends a lot of the time clarifying how the event was only a "dinner" and nothing more. he even went as far as to say that he was not declaring to run for the governorship seat of anambra state as against what most media houses were insinuating. i had a lot of respect for soludo, he being one of the few people that i felt could look a gift horse in the mouth. his recent attempt to insult the collective intelligence of nigerians cannot be forgiven. justa few days after the dinner, the radio was awash with how soludo would be the best bet for anambra state etcetera...sad how some men are ready to trade in a future of public respect and regard, for power (fleeting as it is).

this brings me to abacha's son. you know what, never mind.

see you around...

P.S: when will fashola commission his campaign t-shirts for 2011. i want one o...i don't mind paying.


Lady of The Wig said…
lmbo!!! good to see you back. Comical is Nigeria. About Fash- he said the time for politics is not now but when it's right, he'll be in the forefront.

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