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we have arrived...

when i thought of the topic of this post: i was thinking of two parallel things that could share the theme. one extremely good and the other, as you must have guessed already, appaling. so first off with the good one, its a new year. time to let go of all the things that you felt you couldn't do without and move on to better things. stop being so afraid of the crowd and wade into the fray. treat life like a market place, everyone is doing their own thing; once in a while a few people will stop to pay you some attention, good or bad, but ultimately, noone really gives a hoot about what you are trying to achieve so just do it and get it right this time round.

happy new year to everyone, and although sometimes i ask myself what can possibly be happy about it with the many troubles that our country is facing both real and inflicted (think suicide bomber) but i can wax all religious and say that as long as i am alive, i will be okay. so real quick, the president isn't a matter of fact we all think he's migrated to saudi arabia and taken up their citizenship because he is working from there. signing budgets, swearing in chief justices, generally having a blast and sparing a minute or two to attend to mundane things like running the country. we're eternally grateful to him for this especially considering that we didn't exactly vote for him anyways so he doesn't owe us any explanations.

that done, i heard with a sinking heart about the death of a certain Mr. [...] Ogundere who was a counsel on the team of the governor of Osun State at the elections tribunal. Not that it was too early in the year to hear that sort of news (by the way he died at the tail end of last year) but the fact that for no apparent reason, the 74 year old man was abducted from his home in the village where he had ostensibly gone to spend the christmas break, taken to a bush near his house and burnt alive. for no apparent reason. as usual, news reports have it that the act was carried out by unknown persons etcetera etcetera bullshit. at every point where i try to rationalize this killing, logic eludes me. firstly, i have in one of my posts written about the disconnect that we as nigerians have with our traditional moral values and how in future this will escalate to the point of no return. unfortunately for me, the future came faster than i expected...hence my topic. we have truly arrived at mindless, heartless acts carried out against human logic and reasoning. we are now bombing newshouses, trying to bomb planes and now setting people ablaze all for no apparent reason.

as if this is not enough, my church was burgled after the watchnight service on friday morning. yes, i said church. thieves broke into the church and ransacked the pastor's office and the usher's room apparently looking for the offering that we all dropped. when people get to the point where they disregard religion as mere rhetorics, then we have arrived at a truly dangerous place. i do hope that as desperation intensifies, thanks to the job losses in the banking sector and the idleness of intelligent ex-bankers, we will not arrive at a situation where broad daylight robberies will be carried out during worship service on sundays. in all, its a crying shame that as rome burns, the emperor sits on his balcony (in this case saudi arabia) and plays a fiddle. but if thats how its going to be, then que cera cera.

happy 2010 y'all. may it get better and better.


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