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there are bloggers and there are Bloggers

i follow a blogger called, and read the following on her blog that hit a deep cord somewhere:

"I'm bored out of my mind,I decided to kill some time by evaluating the last year:


Like many people, this wasn't a strong year for me in that department.I recently came to the realization that the only reason I'm aChristian is because that was the religion I was born into. The funny thing is I didn't even grow up in a church-every-Sunday kind of home, and truth be told, I dreaded the daily 6 – 7 pm praise and worship sessions that spanned at least 5 years of my childhood (my auntintroduced it to our house and it only lasted until she moved out). But one way or the other, early on in my life, I was introduced to theBible and to the concepts of God and Jesus and grace and salvation and they have stuck with me since then. I still believe in those things because somehow my conscience won't let go of them, but this year, I found myself questioning some of the beliefs that Christianity supports. Things like abortion (I personally wouldn't do but I don't see any reason should be illegal) that the church frowns upon, or drinking alcohol (I really like my margaritas, sorry) which apparentlyis not encouraged even if you're not getting drunk, or homosexuality (I am of the opinion that there are too many gay people in the worldfor anyone to successfully conclude that ALL of those people chose to be gay, and if gay people are born that way, why does anyone thinkthey have the right to ban them from church for something they had nosay in?) which is a direct contradiction to what the Bible preaches.I've always been an all or nothing girl, so the idea of selectivelyagreeing with what the Bible preaches to suit one's needs doesn't really go down well with me. Sometimes I feel like I know what I need to do to have peace of mind with regards to my faith, but I don't knowif I'm quite ready to make that leap yet. In 2009, I didn't spend alot of time finding answers to the questions that have been nagging atme; I plan to do so in 2010, though. Or maybe in 2011. Hopefullybefore the supposed end of the world in 2012. LOL"

Some people were born to express their opinion...and yes, there's a whole lot of opinion on blogger. from those who think easter should be renamed "Happy Gullibility Day" (, to those who think they have finished living the first half of their lives, its really all worth knowing that everyone believes in something, and that i will never completely agree with any single person's opinion, ever.

later, peeps.


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