I have been on leave for about a week now and had decided that this time, I would not broadcast it on my blog. I was hoping that I will get a complete shut out by just plugging out of everything…and no, everything does not include facebook. And so just this past saturday, I stumbled upon the fact that it was actually the birthday of a wonderful friend of mine - Chinene. She being one of the few people in my life who’s presence is so silent, and yet most powerful towards influencing my actions. I recalled with pride, for the first time to a worldwide audience, how she actually used to be so happy to have me drop by at their family house (unannounced and always hungry) and she and her brothers would welcome me as if they’d known me all their lives. I never for once felt out of place with them. This then brought to my mind the thought of all the people who have actually fed me at one time or the other… especially through my difficult university years (thanks Gabriel and Yinka, you guys...