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i miss my blog...

it has been so busy lately, that i cannot even begin to think about it. as i write this, i am smack in the middle of my 8th Agreement in 2 days. you know, those very complex contracts that you have to pay attention to and cover all the possible things that could happen in future. not cool. but hey, i guess i have to earn my salary...and i have no complaints about my salary. so there.

i havent even had a moment to observe goings on around the world and in nigeria. there was a bomb blast in abuja on independence day, and the way the government is not letting the matter die, is impressive. i hear some folk are trying to politicize the incident as elections are due next year, but i hope to God that it is a one-off incident that will never occur again. like i said in an earlier post, nigerians are copy masters, and once it appears possible to implement a vice and get away with it, it suddenly becomes the rave.

we have come from forging naira notes, to cutting human parts for rituals, to kidnapping children in the -80's, to stealing electricty meters, to pirating music CD's, to internet fraud, and back to kidnapping. my fear is that with the car bomb that occured in delta state months back (and noone did anything about), to the bigger one that occured in abuja and senselessly killed innocent people, for no reason than to "make a point to government", its not far fetched to imagine that someday one dissilussioned lunatic will decide that planting a bomb in oshodi in lagos state, to "press home their demands" for bla bla and bullshit. as always, nothing gets done until we lose 200 lives and above, so except to keep praying, i can't help but think its inevitable unless something drastic happens to quell the level of criminality in this country.

for the entire month of october, being nigeria's 50th anniversary month, CNN has been running a show called i-list nigeria, which actually (for once in my lifetime) shows nigeria in a positive light. it goes to the market place, highlights our food, our growing businesses that quickly take over the region and the world (think banks and telecom companies), and other really nice things about us. even talking to our nationally recognized bloggers! no, i'm not nationally recognized yet, thanks for hoping. :)

so anyways, apart from meeting a beautiful woman with nasal hair protruding from her nostrils and a really obese woman who squeezed herself out of a hyundai i10 car (think kia picanto), nothing has changed for me. oh, except for the fact that i stopped going to church for the last 5 sundays or so, in order to reflect on my religious life and decide if it is something i want to continue to do or manage. my lil bro has gone off to school in the UK, and i hate to admit i miss the little bugger. and yes, i will be going on yet another brief annual leave (my hater friends call it "monthly leave") from next week, so maybe i'll have more to write about. until then, don't forget what we agreed peeps, NO IBB for president.

see y'all around peeps!


Ginger said…
Excuses duly noted. Happy holidays!!
Anonymous said…
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