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inking in faith

i haven't been writing as much as i should be, but you know, work has been all sorts of tedious so i'm not really remorseful that i haven't. as y'all know, i'm not religious or fanatical but i try to live right before much as i ridicule the things that we presently do in his honour (wrongly in my opinion), it wouldn't be fair to mislead my readers into thinking i have no regard for true faith or for the Almighty.

having said that, i am thus faced with a dillemma. one which i'm not sure has an answer either way. and its seemingly simple but has far reaching implications. infact, it is so deeply significant that it could change the entire course of my life...if i go by what i'm reading on some websites and things. okay, enough of the pretend suspense...i have decided to get a tattoo. yes, you can laugh now.

for context you know that tattoos are permanent ink markings that come out perfect on a buff muscular dude who is between 16 and 24, has had little life experience and will definitely regret it later. mostly, these misguided youngsters expect that a tattoo will somehow make them stand out from the crowd and be "hip" or "cool" or "different". the problem often is that by the time they're above 24, and decide to get serious and settle down, they often always find their way into a nearby christian congregation, give their lives to Jesus, toast a good sister who hasn't been around very much and then have to attend all sorts of christian conventions and camps and stuff...and this is where the "difference" they were seeking in their younger years come into play, they are now freakishly different and unable to have a bath in the open public men's section bathroom behind a building at a christian convention without getting the "look". but back to me...

i'm 32, fat as heck, have had a lot of life's experiences and have gone past regretting i should know better right? wrong. you see, in my case, it is for quasi-medical reasons (i see you rolling your eyes Ginger). but asides my reasons, i woke up to pray and it occured to me to check if having a tattoo was approved by the bible and thats where the dillemma is. the only part of the bible where tattoos are expressly mentioned is Levicticus 19.

26 ‘You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor practice divination or soothsaying. 27 You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard. 28 ‘You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD. 29 ‘Do not profane your daughter by making her a harlot, so that the land will not fall to harlotry and the land become full of lewdness. 30 ‘You shall keep My sabbaths and revere My sanctuary; I am the LORD. 31 ‘Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

In all the websites i have visited, the line seems to be drawn down the middle between the strict interpretation held by apparently "old school" christians and the contextual interpretation held by modern christians. in one line, the old school christians say you cannot add or subtract or twist the words of the bible and when it says "you shall not...make any tattoo marks on yourselves" you should stop there, close the bible and wave your hands in thanks for being saved.
the new school christians say that the cultural context of those times were the basis for these rules and many of them cannot apply to modern day reality. like cutting your beard in a certain way (like seriously?) or not eating stuff with blood (medium rare steaks anyone?). point being, these rules cannot be taken literally today especially if you're not doing the tattoo for witchcraft reasons.
so now i'm i had already booked the appointment at a very high profile tattoo parlour (if you have to make reservations, you know its high profile) for saturday and its blady expensive too and i've sent them the wikid design i want etc so y'all have 24 hours to save me from damnation or my blood is on your head!!! :). but seriously, should i?


Sugabelly said…
I think you should jejely go and get your tattoo if that's what you want.

I honestly think the Jews in the Bible were a group of bigots and found every way to use their religion to discriminate against the people around them and make sure their members didn't associate with or behave like any outsiders.
tsnabj said…
I think tattoos can b nice as long as they r tastefully done nd well situated
lady of the wig said…
butterfly! butterfly!! butterfly with a rose.... *batting my eyelids*
here's a question- what value will it add to you?
O2A said…
Thank you lady of the wig! rather than' increase you', it will 'decrease you'. how will you live with it when you are old? what will you tell your kids if they decide to cover their body from head to toe with tatoos? when your likes changes as they are bound to, what would you do about it?
tsnabj said…
lady of the wig, what value will b taken from him if he gets a tattoo?
4 all u pple who knw nothing about technology there is wot we call laser treatment to get d tattoo off wen u get tired.
Judgement is reserved 4 God nt nt 4 ANY mortal. Oroque has md a grown up decision we shd respect it nd nt become a hindrance.
I am getting a new piercing if u dnt like it, drink a s**t-shake! (wink wink)
Ginger said…
lol. I was actually rolling my eyes just before I saw your statement. Sort of startled me like Oroque you be

Go get your tattoo jare and get your pre-midlife crisis off your chest. I promise to defend you before the pearly gates. Well, one condition: promise to post the pix plssss. And dont scream in pain ala Stu in Hangover 2
Toinlicious said…
Er, well, it's after 24hours already so i guess i don't av to say a thing *widesmile* but going by ur arguments, seems to me u already made ur choice, i mean u made a reservation already didn't you?

Now, pls pls pretty pls with-cherries-on-top as per ur blog-twin, post a picture. i just might get me a tattoo too #wink
Toinlicious said…
Sorry, erm, culd u explain the "quasi-medical reasons" sounds very "gen gen" :-)

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