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a thousand words...

i've been tired lately. like super brain drained and weak as soon as its noon; and no, i don't eat pounded yam for lunch. to cut the long story short, i had to find motivation to go through the day today. i find that some days, no matter how much you have to do, or how hard you push, you just cannot get yourself to do any useful work (hi boss!). and so, i decided to write a few reviews about my trip earlier this year. i find to be a very useful site for travellers... the reviews and experiences of older travellers make it near impossible for you to get in trouble at your travel location...but it also makes you paranoid of the locals cos some people have had mad nasty experiences.

in trying to get the pictures to attach to my review, i stumbled on the following pictures i have gathered over the years from the internet (i didn't take the pictures and do not own them in any way) and i couldn't help thinking about how much foolishness exists on this one planet. heres my thought above each picture: 

1. do one brave thing today ... cos thats all you'll probably live long enough to do

2. superman's second son - batman - looks surprisingly human

3. this is why you should take offence when your sister calls you a goat

4. gen gen!! james no dey die jare

5. how government supports small businesses

6. why we were better off without autocorrect

7. "what da heck do you mean by 'there's no milk?'"

8. you better let your children to be 'find in the society'...bering them o

9. toinlicious stop licking your too feyi. 'chin yung kai' like you

10. now you know where your colleagues make their hair for 300 dollars and still look like king kong
 N.B: "Pendinquor" included!

11. Riiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttttt! nigger pleez...

there's nuffin more to say. see y'all around peeps! :)


Ginger said…
I love calamari but that live octopus can definitely put me off the next meal.

Hope you get outta your funk soon and start writing again.
Toinlicious said…
Ahahahaha Oroque yaff kee me o #dead. First of, are you sure you're not in my head cos i swear i was just thinking about doing a funny-pictures post.

@Feyi, did u hear him? stop licking ur lips o #shudders

That penguin is soo gona be lunch and that autcorrect is killing me lol.

P.S: Seriously tho i think i'll need home 'serioce' for my particular 'star' of hair and @least a 'manyinquor' too
Okeoghene said…
Hilarious pictures.

I remember those days I couldnt last the whole day without a bottle of 5hr energy.

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