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my royal techness

i'm quite sober today. yes, drama, i know.

so yesterday i was having a friendly conversation with my friend at home, when the topic of the new ipad came up. you know, its been a few weeks since the new ipad was launched and he was quite puzzled that he hadn't seen it in my hands yet. i simply told him that i didn't see any drastic feature changes between the new ipad and ipad 2 which i currently use, to warrant a change...with the point being that i am selective when it comes to technology and that i don't buy for buying sake. next thing he's laughing too hard for my liking and i find myself defending my technology acquisition over the years...he calls me "his royal techness" and says i'm a tech freak. frankly i took exception to those choice of words and if i was kim kardashian, i'd maybe have stormed off in fury at that point.

anyways, throughout the night i kept wondering if i was really a technology addict (call me a freak and count your teeth on the floor - violence much, i know) and if i had maybe gone overboard with my acquisitions over the last 8 years. my first forray into hardcore technology was my first phone (motorola c230) circa 2003 purchased for me by my dad to celebrate my successful graduation from school and my progression to law school. it was a darling die hard device and i loved it to bits (actually i still do) and goodness knows what became of it. it felt like a seed of bean in the palm of my hand and with no speakerphone you could hear the conversation of the person on the other end of the line, from a mile away. o the days.

so first thing this morning i set out to prove to my friend that i was not a technology addict and that i really haven't used that much technology. to do this, i decided to download a picture of every phone i had ever used from day one so that i could write this blog post and clear my conscience that my technology admiration was within reason, classy and completelynecessary. with the help of picassa, this is what i came up with:

yeah, i know. thats why i'm sober. i mean, really? in eight years? only me? who did i need to talk to so bad anyways, hilary clinton?

i think i may have a problem. is there a psychological reason for this pattern? do i have deep seated emotional issues that makes me find solace in acuiring technology at this rate? y'know, like hoarders keep junk and refuse to let them go? (LMAO! okay, i need to stop the Oprah thing now).  but seriously, if i was reading this on someone elses blog i'd go "wow, nigga got issues"...but i actually used each and every device up there. ME! i still miss my nokia 3310 and sony ericsson P990 (and it still hurts me that i lost my P900 to pick pockets after saving for months to get it, damn lagos buses) THOSE were phones...they don't make them like that anymore. i still refer to my 3310 fondly as "mama nothing spoil" and almost kept it as a soveneir from my past. er...but i digress.

in addition to ipads, laptops (don't get me started on those), deskptops, external sound devices, modems, dongles and head phones (always promising clearer sound than the last)...i think i might have to check myself into rehab pretty soon. i hate to admit it, but putting in pictures makes it look really bad and i've got to change. but i have hope that i'm not the only one. i have hope that many of you have had the same tech history or other "pressing interests" or something (please confess)... or at least have the number for "technologists anonymous" to share with me. whatever you do, don't tell me to get married and have kids as a solution. cos i may end up home-schooling the pesky kids so i can buy iPad 10 in 2014. nuff said about that.

see y'all around peeps.

P.S: Nokia owes me a refund for lost livelihood spent keeping them in business. gaddamnit.


Chinene said…
At least u realise u have a problem. I havent used close to one-thrid of the phones up there(my policy is if it works it stays).
BTW from ur narration, ur 1st phone would have come circa 2002 not 2003 (pretty sure of d timelines)
well, u cld get married, sign up for deliverance or pretty much do what u r doing (its not hurting anyone YET).
RQ said…
LOL @ smarty pants re: you're pretty sure of the timelines! of course you are! and yes, from experience, most women i know only replace techy stuff when the screen goes blank/it stops responding (hi MUM!). :)

thanks for always finding time to drop by.
Toinlicious said…
Oh wow, nigga got issues!

You: Hi, my name is Oroque and i'm a tech addict

Others like you (cos i'll just be there to give you moral support): Hi Orooque

U need intervention like seriously! kilode??

2100 was my first phone. My sister's 3310 had blue screen so we called it Blueface. I just counted all the phones i have used since 2003 and i think i got 5 pere. I'm thinking of changing my phone now which would make 6

Plus, is it weird that i have never lost a phone? #kanyeshrug
RQ said…
@Toinlicious: LMAO @ hi my name is oroque! hahahahaha. i can't stop laughing at the mental picture in my head. i'm sure you've spent as much money on jewelry or something else, so we both got issues my dear twin. meet me at the rehab centre noon tomorrow. :)
i change my phone every year as i get bored easily. but still i'm nothing close to you. yours is really a prob (cheek in tongue)
Ginger said…
Oroque!! Nokia should give you an award seriously. I am on my 7th phone right now - my motto - if it aint lost/spoilt, don't replace it.

Ha! marriage wouldn't solve your addiction. Twud prolly multiply it cause you wont be able to bear seeing wifey's ancient phone so you'll keep replacing it too. urghh.

Let me be your personal banker. qed. Then i will have to vet all your purchases :p

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