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of april 14 2009

so on april 14, 2009 i set out to revive my blogging skills after leaving it to simmer as i was busy climbing the corporate career ladder. it was clearly a tough time and the only blog site then that was user friendly was yahoo. my blogging attempts were less frequent and as my world was close knit, i had not much to write about. i didn't want to write about my friends because i value their privacy, and i didnt want to bore people with what i thought were my pet peeves: "mediocrity in nigerian music", "the mass swindling called nigerian churches" and "political shenanigans". alas, these were pet peeves shared by more people than i imagined.

my first blog post was, as you may have guessed, on nigerian music. i had just about had it after watching some local channels play yet another psquare song that sounded like the last one etc and i flipped. yes, i have come a long way since then. i had decided from get-go to be bold and courageous and speak my (not always popular) opinion on any and everything...sometimes in the news, and sometimes just in my face. if i felt it, i'd say it. however, its not always that simple. over time, i have come to realize that if you irk people just enough, you will feel the pain of their lashing almost physically. the highlights of this 5 year journey have been the post i wrote on "mutiny scrutiny" and "blog awards my foot"...those were the learnings on what to expect when you put yourself out there, and how to deal with threats, insults and plain juvenile behaviour. the solution: just keep going. write one more blog post. apologize as appropriate but live to fight another day.

and so, today as i look back over the last five years, i can only be thankful for the friends who have kept me going, the readers who have loved and hated my views depending, the other bloggers i have inspired to start writing their own blogs, the loves i have found through writing my blog and those who find the courage to comment on my posts. i feel incredibly blessed that you are all still here. so, yes, i'll admit the blog could do better...i could go social and start writing about beyonce and kim kardashian to amass more readers...i could throw shade on celebrities to get attention...or i can just remain me, with my little brood of readers who know me and the place from which i write...who get my jokes and know when i'm being sarcastic. i think the choice i have made is clear.

and so, to celebrate this small milestone in blog-writing, i will be giving away a NGN20,000 (Twenty Thousand Naira only) prize to the following category of people: (i) first ever commenter (ii) most commenter overall and (iii) best follower - for this you must be a follower of the blog. the grand prize will however go to the reader who can convince my panel of judges why we should make a NGN100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Naira only) donation to a charity of his choice. Once we choose the winner, we will make the donation by cheque to such charity in addition to the following prizes which the winner himself will take home:

1 (One) unit Blackberry Z10

1 (One) unit bag, plimsole and stiletto
(may vary from items shown)

NGN20,000 (Twenty Thousand Naira only)

At our discretion, a cash prize of NGN150,000 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira only) may be given as grand prize in lieu of items shown above. Judges decision is final.

Submissions should be sent to  between April 14 2013 to May 31 2013 and the winner will be announced right here sometime in August 2013. yes, you can spread the word.

Again, thanks for all your support y'all. and here's wishing for another 5 years of writing. see y'all around peeps.


Abd said…
I strongly believe that this noble gesture of yours will not go unnoticed. Keep the spirit alive! However, I'd like to suggest that your subsequent blogs sh'd be about what makes ME laugh, cry, smile,crossed&above all make ME always come looking for your perspective on issues as they unfold. Hope is not too much to ask for?
Toinlicious said…
Wow, congratulations man! Your blog is even older than my adult-ish niece!

I'll post this link on twitter. Amazing idea Oroque. Bless you
Chinene said…
*doing etigi and moonwalk simultaneously*
RQ said…
okay @chinene: calm down breaking teeth up in here.

@toinlicious...i aint even easy. LOL. but seriously, i'd have quit long since without your support.

@ABD: thanks! my silent blog reader. :)
don maledo said…
You missed one category of winners: the last reader/commentator, because that's definitely me. Plus you've not fully repaid the loan you obtained from me to start the blog in the 1st place (go on, lie to the public and deny it). So since we have grown big enuff to give out prizes, I suggest we call a board meeting and let's have some profit sharing
Ginger said…
Orok, this is soo generous. God bless you. Na wa for setting the bar!

p.s. when I saw 'may vary from item displayed' after the shoe pix, i had to quickly scroll up to see if you wrote that afetr the phone. "seeing thinz" lol. That phone has got my name on it. That's all.
Ginger said…
See me, the most important bit' Congratulations on staying 5yrs. I keep telling myself, bloggin is a test of commitment. And like all things, you have to love it, and be doing it for the right reasons to last in it.

Blessed are the non-quitters for they will find a reward..some day.

RQ said…
LMAO @ ginger and don maledo...i swear i need to auction off my friends. you guys should do the motherless babies homes a favour and nominate them o, please. they deserve it. @ginger, amen! thanks.
Dangerously Sexy said…
Congrats Orok!
It’s amazing how five years can be summed up by words, punctuation and the number of posts.
Your new friends—yeah that’s me—and old friends will celebrate you, as long as you don’t go crazy.
HOWEVER, there should be a prize for something like “the 100th comment” which can go to people like me…
Don’t hate…
Ibifiri Kamson said…
Wow I must say I am most impressed I have been blogging since 2009 and just decided to do a give away to my followers. Inspiration what you are doing. I loove this blog.

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