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of musical nigerian-ness

okay so y'all know how i feel about the mediocrity of nigerian music. that hasn't changed. i'm still done with the recycled beat but different (still empty) lyrics of P.Square etc...and although they are mega-huge stars in countries as far away as south africa, kenya and cote d'ivoire, i'm still not impressed. i guess its a matter of a prophet never being respected in his home town but hey. you won't believe how many times i have to tell foreigners that i do not personally know ramsey noah, p.square and ini edo everytime i'm about to check in to a hotel in a foreign country. dubai was the best as the front desk lady tried to pronounce d'banj with her heavy accent.

so i had tuned off nigerian entertainment for a while until one day i stumble on some dude called MayD. i was so blown away that i was beginning to wonder if all was well with me. for some reason, although he doesn't even try to be classy and all, his music gets me like nothing else. to me, being nigerian means remaining true to your roots, slangs etc but having the content and production that is world class and that i can be proud to shake to if i am in the lobby anywhere in the world and it is being played. case in point: Omawumi's 'Bottom Belle'.

this discovery led me to dig a bit more and i realized that while i was on hiatus from the scene, a new wave of dynamic artistes have come up with international style music that retains the nigerian-ness we so desperately try to preserve.





  in other news...theres this Olamide guy that i'm sure appeals to the more street type folk who would dance to aluminuim plates clanging down a flight of stairs by way of music. like i said, great production, just not my thing. to each his own.

 any other songs you think shoulda made this list? please drop your comment and i'll share on my next "progress of nigerian music" update. and if you mention 'alingo' by p.square i will be forced to slap your teeth.

see y'all around peeps.


lol..nice list, i hate the alinco song to jare.
i like that first of all song though, by Olamide (i think)
Wilfred Mong said…
Just imagined you dancing Omawummi's 'bottom belle'! Please don't try it in a foreign country cos the dance steps you might offer might be deemed 'offensive' in their 'law'! Guess apart from the rhythm of the song, there's something else you love about it!

As for Olamide, I'm a fan of the song 'ndi ara' by Phyno ft Olamide!
RQ said…
all of you are clearly the "street type folk" i was referring to. :) i'm surrounded.

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