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of the perfect leader

twas many a moons ago, that i first read of the chinese style of parenting. it created a media frenzy across the globe and caught the attention of the western media like none else before it. i half expected to hear some amazing magic having been conducted under the stars to aid the lead given by the chinese child over his peers elsewhere on this globe. instead i heard the ordinary. i heard of spankings and beatings, minor only to my own as a child. i heard about deprivations and lack of play, a concept many a black child in africa knows first hand by name. alas, the chinese form of parenting, was mild in comparison to the daily reality of nigerian parentage, and i began to wonder why our strict fathers and their whips did not turn us on the path of global leadership...instead fostering rebelion in our loins.

the difference between black and chinese parentage lay bare upon interview given by the author of a book that had caused this furore. she brought forth unto the ears of the world, the trickery that was "purpose". the blind concentration towards a single goal. one coneptualized by the parent upon birth of a child, and drummed into the child without room for choice. a goal that forms the singular undistrubed ambition of parent and child, and from which path the child will not be permitted to stray, dead or living parent irrelevant. the black parent on the other hand, chastizes out of fear. chastizes a child not always towards the purpose of betterment or accomplishment of noble aim, but more to keep such child under his command a day longer. the child to a black man is no better than an animal. he knoweth not which way to turn without command and must be taught by force of whip and tongue, how to halt, jump and froth upon command of a higher master...his father. this sole desire to maintain authority over another being, born free of choice, births a goal of its own. the goal of rebellion and overthrow...a goal of slaves from the dawn of time, living solely to break the shackles that have been placed unwilling upon neck. thus lives the black child, always angry, ever bitter, moving from shackle of father to shackle of shackle of wife and children. ever fighting for a freedom he shall never know, from wars fought only in his mind.

the chinese child grows therefore seeing the world as a battle field for conquest, besting other gladiators in the field of common sense, intelligence and innovation. the black man lives by a single motto: the world is against me, and i must never let my guard down. he thus finds fault where others have accepted fate, he rebels against authority of any form necessary or not, only to find "freedom without constraint" a power overwhelming even to the best of minds. the white child is of a completely different breed: his parents are wise. they live their entire lives playing with the minds of their offspring, pretending to give them freedom of choice, whilst all along giving them only options that lead them down the paths already chosen by their parents. a man will fight for a decision he believes is his own, and that is why white people progress...not under shackles or forced goals, but under the impression that every decision they ever took was their own...even against their parents. even against the world.

i find today that the perfect leader must combine the best of all worlds. he must allow his people to exercise freedoms of a sort, even if within the constraints of limited options...he must set his followers on the path to a single shared goal and must cast down distractions of any sort on their behalf, even against their appparent better judgment; but above all he must consistently prove why he is leader. not upon the edge of a whip's tongue but through brutal showings of power against perceived common enemies and non-conformists. he must accept no challenge to his power and stand ready to make a show of all who hold a contrary view...even within his own family. showing all the alternative to a life under his command. in doing this, he must constantly brace himself for the day that his power will fail him, as it must all men upon a day...and be prepared to leave the pinnacle in shame of certain revenge; or die upon it. love without sentiment, that is the equilibrium for leadership success; and as sure as the thoughts that birthed these written words, i. will. be...

the perfect leader.


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