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Showing posts from December, 2018

of ending well and starting right

hey guys, i know the last blog post was kinda heavy to absorb because of the nature of the topic and i apologize. i tend to be intense a lot more than necessary but it had to be said. but today is the last day of the entire 2018...can you believe it?!!! woohoooo!!! i know i say this every year but this year really flew past faster than usual. 😋😋 i remember when i was younger and each single day used to seem like forever and Christmases couldn't get here quickly enough. oh the drag. but now i am always so exhausted after the stress of getting to and from work and putting in 8 full hours that it is really all i can do to sleep and wake up. insomnia permitting, of course 😲. i think the older you grow and the more your responsibilities, the more of a blur every week seems to go by. and in effect the entire year. but we are here now! older, wiser (yes Calistus, i know this doesn't apply to everyone 😶) and definitely more experienced.  so to round off the year i decided to co...

of suicide, depression and the craze to trend

I won't even bother with correctness today. Christmas is over and Jesus has been born so yeah... back to reality. So today twitter was awash with the renewed conversation on suicides and depression. Apparently a student of Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria killed herself by drinking rat poison and left a suicide note. The announcement was apparently made on the school's twitter handle (investigative protocol be damned) but lets focus on the core issues. Someone asked why it appears that depression and suicide is on the increase among Nigerian youth now in relation to the past. Simply Oroque's View: 1. first of all, I don't know the basis for concluding that it is on the increase but I give him the pass because he used the word "appears". Social media has brought everything upward and outward in real time. In times past, it would take weeks for people outside of the deceased's nuclear family to even learn of her death. Now, it is within seconds. 2....

of 2019 budget and simplicity

so you know how there's all sorts of books with titles that end with "for dummies"? well, i stumbled on the Nigerian 2019 budget simplified for dummies by @mona_moxie of twitter. Clearly that doesn't include you, wise old you! 😅😅😅but anyways, i have reproduced it below because its Christmas and you haven't had time to read the entire budget like you do every year. You should follow the intelligent individual who took the time to write this i.e. @mona_moxie on twitter 

of therapy and ideologies

part of the benefits of writing a blog is that it is therapeutic. As any blogger will tell you, a blog usually comes from a place of expression where you will literally implode if you do not let your thoughts out. So bear with me on this one... I’m very angry with a good friend of mine. The question isn’t even for is the how is this even possible. I pride myself in being very emotionally mature (well screw you for rolling your eyes) and very hardly let anything get to me. As a matter of fact, years of legal practice and social media activity has given me a tough skin. And so I am very surprised that I can habour such anger especially based on the political position this friend of mine has taken. Okay I said I was not going to talk about it but then since you won’t stop begging me, why not? So as you know the Nigerian elections are upon us. Election cycle after election cycle we all get on social media and say how we will not lose friends over political differences since t...

of contenders and aspirants a.k.a ezekwesili and the rest

with every intent at being cheeky, there's a difference between contenders and aspirants. I know it is merely academic in nature at this point but the way i see it, the constitution allows a myriad of citizens to run for the exalted office of president. However there are only a few that not only have the pedigree required for us to assume competency, but also are in good standing with the voting public and actually stand a chance of disrupting the status quo. There's a whopping 47 Nigerians running for president. this is very heartening considering that nobody was willing to put their neck out in 1999's political environment. We have come a long way and the fact that people are comfortable enough to run without fear for their lives or safety is a plus for democracy. To make it better, there is a very serious female contender in the mix. Oby Ezekwesili. Yes! And unlike Sarah Jubril and Remi Sonaiya (my uninformed opinion with no disrespect intended), she is not running o...

of politics and coming full circle

dear reader, i wont even acknowledge that it has been a long time since i last wrote a blog. i eventually lost all motivation as things went from bad to worse in the country. i was not foolish by supporting the current political party in power. it was based on the hope for a better future. they were apparently very good critics but now we have given them a chance to make things better, things have never been worse. for the first time in my short life, the intelligent, educated, middle class, working citizens of this country are migrating to Canada en masse. and i don't mean a few people who just feel like they have no jobs here and can go there and drive taxi cars. i mean senior lawyers, engineers, people with quality education and who in many cases returned to the country because Obasanjo made things look like they were about to work. the refineries, the airport, the exchange rate, the Paris club debt, agricultural export, banking and telecommunications sector. we even had ...