so you know how there's all sorts of books with titles that end with "for dummies"? well, i stumbled on the Nigerian 2019 budget simplified for dummies by @mona_moxie of twitter. Clearly that doesn't include you, wise old you! 😅😅😅but anyways, i have reproduced it below because its Christmas and you haven't had time to read the entire budget like you do every year. You should follow the intelligent individual who took the time to write this i.e. @mona_moxie on twitter
okay so usually, i avoid topics bordering on religion, politics and sexuality...but this one is hard to ignore (and as fearless blogger, i must bite the bullet). i woke up this morning and my timeline was full of comments castigating the bloody waste of time and tax payers money that is the the new anti-same sex marriage law. the nigerian senate passed it into law a few days ago (14 years imprisonment etc). the honest truth is that everyone is cautious about this topic because it is like holding palm oil while wearing white. no matter what side of the fence you're on in terms of your sexual preference, you are bound to get stained if you as much as say the wrong thing on the matter - and anything you say can and will be wrong. if you disagree with the new law, you're clearly an undercover gay person and if you agree with the new law openly, you're a shameless homophobe. i guess this explains why interestingly, all of the people i know who are vocal against the new law - o...