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of northern rascality and the state

okay, today i will not rant. i will not comment on the ridiculousness of the riots in kaduna. i will hold my tongue and restrict my thoughts to good things...but i will ask one question: "where on earth does the illiterate northern nigerian get the impression that he can break the law without repercurssion?"...

the presidential election have been held. the judge was apparently impartial. the results reflected almost eerily, what every nigerian expected. with the amount of money the PDP splashed around, it was poised to win. the other parties were too regional in their affiliations to make any national impact and as people were voting solely for the individuals and not party ideology, it went without saying that ribadu would clinch the south west states easily (he got ekiti, ogun, oyo and osun) although he is a northerner, buhari would clinch the northern states (and he did well in all northern states) but that jonathan would clinch the others, including some break off voters in the states held firmly by the other regionalized parties. and yes, that was exactly what happened. that we in lagos kinda hoped the ACN would win didn't lead us to carry arms only because it didn't. there are processes for registering greivances when your team loses and frankly, killing people who had nothing to do with it and burning houses does not cut it

so when i hear in the news that kaduna was in flames and a 24 hour curfew had been imposed because their darling buhari lost, and the same buhari didn't make any statement to calm the tempers, i begin to wonder if the northern leaders are not intentionally keeping their people in stark illiteracy so as to have the relevant foot soldiers to use in perpetuating mischief under the pretext of ignorance. is his silence in this circumstance, the trait of a good leader with ambitions to lead a multi religious and multi tribal country like nigeria? for some reason, i can't shake off the feeling that buhari is fundamentalist by nature (although i have no proof) and this country could do well without him.

in this scenario, i cannot but ask myself, are northerners becoming arrogant in the false belief that the educated folk in southern nigeria are too timid to match them with brute force should push come to shove? are the southerners really too civilized to continue to co-exist in this false contraption called nigeria? should the government always move to quell the violence and stop there without making a scapegoat of the perpertrators? i should certainly think not...but i feel its not over yet. not even close.

see y'all around peeps.


Anonymous said…
love it.
Ginger said…
If Goodluck had balls, Buhari would have been slammmed for inciting unrest...

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