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here's how it works

hey people, its lil ol me again. you know this isn't often how i start my posts but i am on annual leave (i.e. relaxed, thought-free, pressure-free etc)...and yes, again! i know a lot of my friends on facebook totally look out for when next i will announce that i am on leave from work, and some people have asked me to stop calling it "annual" leave since i seem to take countless "leaves" off work during any given year, but its not entirely my fault. apart from the fact that i think a lot of people secretly wish that like me, they can take countless days off work, its not entirely a random exercise. here's how it works.

every year i am entitled to 24 working days away from the office. this roughly translates to a full month off work (adding the weekends of course) and one needs to take this leave periods piecemeal if you do not want to appear irresponsible by missing important deadlines or skimping out when huge time-sensitive projects are on your table, and on the other hand, one doesn't want to blow a fuse at work (i find that my temper is really short when i'm overworked) yes, leave days must come in one-week chunks, and i will live long enough to irritate everyone with the announcement of each leave on facebook (eat your heart out) :).

so, today i haven't listened to the radio or watched television or read newspapers. i tend to switch off like that completely when i am on leave. nothing happens, and i love to float without a care in the world. so whats happened in between the last post and this one? someone tried to hack into my facebook account. yes, me. okay, to start with, there is nothing of any value on my facebook profile. nothing at all. not one single celebrity friend (yes, i lied to all of you, you're really not that important), not one ground breaking philosophical musing, darn, not even a BB PIN! so it beats me silly to think that anyone would go through all that trouble just to hijack my facebook profile! why? to read my mails and write crap to my friends? mate, just ask me for the damn password, nothing's worth your time.

yes, last week was my favourite week of the entire year. we started the week on a tuesday, cos monday was labour day and we all got to stay at home and sleep and then just when the week was picking up on wednesday, our president just upped and died, giving us all another needed public holiday on thursday. so, although i get paid in full at the end of this month, i actually got two free days and a week's leave to boot. sweet. the funny thing is that when we all got to work on thursday and heard that the president had died and that there was a public holiday to mourn him, all i saw was smiles around the office. you know, those silly smiles that people just throw around for no obvious reason. someone drinking coffe and smiling, someone shutting down her computer and smiling, someone heading out the door and whistling. i mean, hello??, has the definition of "mourning" changed in the new websters dictionary? have i missed something? or was the word mourning used as a code that only i didn't get. but anyways, as they say, if you can't beat them, you join them. so it was with heavy heart and a huge grin on my face that i went back home to watch a movie i'd been putting off for weeks.

so, just to keep this short (lol @ "short"), i'm outta here peeps. keep y'all updated tomorrow.

P.S: no, dapo, i'm not going off to any porn sites (sorry to disappoint you mate). :))


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