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pause...breathe...start again

i'm not one to mark mindless milestones like a new birthday or the turning of a jubilee, in whatever form (golden, silver, wooden etc) but i do feel a sense of some achievement as i lie on my bed tonight (its actually 9.15 pm or thereabout) typing out what is my 50th post.

somehow, it feels more important to me that for once in my entire life i have achieved a small level of consistency in something and although its just blogging, it has taken a lot for me to keep going.

i used to be the guy who'd read stuff other people write and be the first to pick holes in it. i'd ridicule their concept, argue with their reasoning and (my favourite part) correct their grammar. for me at the time, i felt that if anyone would take the pain to share your thoughts with the world, the least you can do is make it worth their hard spent time. i still feel that way about writing but its now much easier to forgive imperfections because i now know from experience that taking criticism after pouring your heart out there, is much harder than it seems.

to be completely honest, i'm a showy kinda guy. the sort you'd like to wait for after school and beat up on the way home cos he ALWAYS answers the teachers questions and makes others in class look bad. so the truth is that whenever i'm too busy or lazy to write, the thought that someone actually read my last post and commented, just makes writing yet another post worth it.

so, although i've said it before...if you're reading this now, you're the reason i'm still here. thank you for your support, cos i know you coulda been doin something else with your time.

okay, enough with the mushy stuff. elections have started, we now have a functional government (at least for now), a prostitute broke her waist trying to run from two insatiable clients for 8,000 naira (8,000???!!! darn, if i must sell my stuff, it better be for good money) and iran hasn't killed us all with the nuclear bomb they're building so we live to see another day. its obviously all going well so far.

P.S: i must tell you about my drunken neighbour tomorrow, i really have had it to here. what is it about intoxcicants thay make a man both couragous and stupid at the same time?!

aight then peeps, see y'all around!


Goldingme said…
Hey Oroque,

Nice piece(apart from the Iraq bombing part).Saw the link on your fb status and decided to read.I agree with you about consistency. I started blogging a while back and have only written two posts! Funny yeah?

So keep it up!

chinene said…
i agree, blogging is a BIG deal and congrats on ur 50th but i.. er was in school with u at some point and don't remember wanting to beat u up becos u ALWAYS answered all d
RQ said…
well, chinene, are you sure you came to school regularly then? lol. thanks for dropping by.
chinene said…
oh no u didn't!!!!! this is CHINENE o as in 'she who sits in front for all her classes Chinene'. dude i was in school more regularly than all ur professors put together.

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